What skilled person is needed?

Find Skilled People On Your Door Step.

Who are Time Served, Experienced and qualified, or willing to do the jobs you can't


Solution One

Keyword search

Use our keyword search to find skilled people you require, then select the job you need doing and tell us where and when, then view the results. You can also open an account to complete a job request form with the ability to add drawings and documents etc. The system will match skilled people and invites them to quote.


Solution Two

Category search

The category search is a quick way to find skilled people in a particular location, and is less targeted than the keyword search. Once you choose the location and then the trade you are looking for, you will be presented with quick summary profiles of skilled people for you to call directly or again invite them to call you.


Solution Three

Mobile App

Our mobile app allows you to search for a skilled person near to do a job and present short view summary results, giving you the ability to call or chat to them directly, however, we advise you use the website to register as a user if you wish to provide more information for the skilled or trades person to be better informed.

With the ability to search on all devices

Buyers can save money & skilled people can make money

  • Post: A job, upload pictures and find your matches
  • Connect: With skilled people on your door step, chat and invite
  • Rate: Your experience and inform others of the great service
Coming Soon

Here for everyone

This website isn't just for trade people, it's for everyone !
Such as skilled individuals, who are time served, experienced and qualified,
or those who are DIY savvy and able to do most things in and around the house,
you don't event need a skill, if you're able and willing to do the jobs others can't.

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