Supplier Registration

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Individual Monthly (£5)

Hi Member to be,
Welcome! We really look forward to you joining us so you can sell your time and skill and make Xtramoney. However by law, we need to inform you about (GDPR) see link General Data Protection Regulations and that by completing this form you are giving us permission to hold and use your data and for others to find your service. You have every right to opt out of this by not proceeding but we want to assure you that your data will not be passed on to any third party.


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Input your skill (At least one skill is required)

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Job (not there? add it manually below)

How would you rate your skill/work

What Trade bodies you are a member of if any?
Trade bodies (not there? add it manually below)
What (valid Industry Licence /Cards do you hold if any ?)
As a qualified person for example: an electrician, gas engineer, heating technician or plumber etc. Can you provide the necessary paperwork or signoff needed to certify the quality and safety or your work for example : Gas safe certificare.
Advisory: We always advise our members to have some form of insurance or cover, should they have an accident or incident during the delivery of your service to protect you, the customer and the building.


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Choose your avalability type

Please uncheck the days you dont want to work and set the times you can work from and to

Areas Covered (Areas prepared to work in)

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*Note : If you want to add more regions, kindly complete the registration form with the single region, then you can add more regions from your profile page settings. Please note their is a charge of £2 for each region


Remember! this site is about locality and low cost so be as competitive as you can to win the business

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Choose a username

Your username is set to the email you have provided,
however should you wish to use a username please input below