About us

Im Jason Mclean founder and creator of this site. It's 2020, the world is a crazy place, due to the corona virus, business is on hold and people in lockdown, and during this time like mine some companies are forced to close; People have been laid off or have lost their jobs, some a bit luckier have kept their job as key workers or had a salary and hours reduction.
The government furlough scheme will soon end, and people are unsure if they will have a job to go back too or not? whilst unemployment 
is the highest its ever been.

I recognised that action needed to be taken to give EVERYONE not just trades people, the opportunity to make some extra money, from what they know and can do, so we developed Xtrajob a platform to do just that.

Most of us have been to college or university and gained a qualification in a particular subject, trade, or industry. It might be that whilst in employment you received training to become a specialist at your job, or you simply gained enough experience over the years to master a particular skill.

If your employed or unemployed, maybe a Hairdressers, Beautician, Fitness Instructor, School Tutor, or Van Driver, etc.
Skilled or unskilled; it doesn’t matter, you may be a competent handyperson who is good at DIY and feel confident enough to offer your services or just willing and able to do the jobs others can’t, then you too can earn extra money.

We've simply developed a platform for you to host your skill, choose the areas you can cover and inform us of the times you want to work and what you charge, all this at a very affordable charge, I worked it at the cost of a drink each month.

Eventually we want to create a place, where people can develop their skills and knowledge further with affordable training to make them more qualified and employable, and for employers can find skilled and available people and offer them a job, making the site a one stop shop from tempory and permanent positions.